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U.S. LSR  Petroleum Group Co., Ltd. is a research and development and sales company vehicle maintenance supplies, automotive beauty, decorative items and related products, headquartered in Texas. The company in 1978 in California, was founded by Mr. Bob Dudley, the founder of the first few years, specializing in the exploitation of oil and natural gas, refining and processing business. 
In 1983, the company successfully conducted the first hydrogenation synthetic retort operation test in the United States, greatly enhance the quality of Danshi Dayton oil products. And in that year the "LSR"  brand lubricants pushed into the U.S. and European markets. 

1987, LSR  Oil to $ 5.3 billion merger of the American Oaksey oil, in order to achieve a basic balance between its domestic and foreign oil and gas reserves in the long-term strategic goals. 
1990, LSR oil companies in the United States established the first total synthesis of poly-α-olefin lubricants plant, annual production capacity to 500Kt, in order to enter the high-end fully synthetic lubricants market.




2010年美国拉赛尔石油集团有限公司为扩大在亚洲地区市场影响力,将亚洲总部设于香港,进军中国市场。美国拉赛尔石油集团有限公司率先将UERSDO(中文“拉赛尔”)汽车养护用品引入中国发展。并与郑州顺利油业有限公司联手,针对中国路况以及中国汽车养护用品的市场需求,由专家团队研发符合中国现代汽车市场的绿色环保、节能的汽车养护用品。一心为中国汽车后市场打造更全面、更为高端、更专业的汽车后市场服务。美国LSR(拉赛尔)石油集团有限公司,是一家集车辆养护用品、汽车美容、装饰用品及相关配套产品的研发与销售集团公司,总部设在美国得克萨斯州。该公司由Bob Dudley先生于1978年在美国加利福尼亚州创办,创办的最初几年,专业从事石油、天然气的开采、炼化加工业务。